About the Creator of RA43!

Redeemed Apparel is here as a friendly, fashionable, and comfortable reminder that we are redeemed, he has called us by our name and we are His! 

About Redeemed Apparel. (RA43)

Hello, my name is Christa Laidler I am a 34 year old mom living in the beautiful sunshine state of Florida. I started Redeemed Apparel because throughout my life no matter what decisions I made I could always turn to God.

I was born in a typical Christian household, my dad was/is a Pastor and my mom also a pastor and teacher. Me and my siblings were heavily involved in the church, church on sundays and wednesdays, along with choir rehearsal and praise team practice on thursdays. We LIVED at church! ;) but little did I know, I was just going through the motions.

After I moved out of my parents home, and dropped out of college I was in search of something (just not quite sure what) and I hopped from job to job until I landed a career Oct 2015 with a major airline as a flight attendant. I truly thought this is it! I am going to retire from this job, little did I know God had other plans.

I met who I thought was the love of my life and we had our beautiful daughter Melanie. Fast forward to March 2020 Covid hit and alot of us were furloughed from the company, out of work for over a year, during this time my stress was at an all time high, I have a baby, and her father was out of work also. I started a hair company and attempted to make it work but my heart was truly not in it. 

Well we finally got the call that we would be getting our jobs back and I finally felt secure again, money back flowing in the house we can breathe again. However the aftermath from Covid made flying difficult, it was hard to drop and trade trips, flying was no longer fun and it made it harder for consistent jobs Melanie's father. (basketball player overseas). If became so difficult I resigned after 7 1/2 years, I was crushed.

Fast forward to January 2023 me and Melanie's father called it quits and at this point I could handle no more sadness, disappointment, heart ache, or loss! The only person I could look to was God. One random Sunday I had a breakdown in the pantry of my kitchen literally giving it ALL to Him. I had no other options. I decided to put every ounce of my trust back into the one God who could handle it ALL.

I got back into my faith, reading the Bible, prayer and worship. I noticed how my life was turning around for the good, even with the difficulties I was still able to make it through. I started posting light hearted funny Christian videos on instagram and grew from 2000 to over 10k in two months, I started to get brand opportunities, and a few of my videos went viral!


This is when the thought for RA43 came to mind, no matter how far i strayed, no matter what I am going through I now know that I am HIS, and I am redeemed. We can all be redeemed if we seek Him and let Him work! 

I want everyone to be reminded when they look at their shirt, or when others see this apparel to know they belong to God and he will Never leave you nor forsake you. If my apparel can strike up a conversation about God, or help someone feeling doubtful get a friendly reminder of God's grace I have done my job.

I hope RA43 continues to grow and you are also inspired to share God's love to the world. Together we can share the Gospel to the entire world! Amen!

Your sister in Christ,
